Cup O’ Carnatic – Kids Series Story 5
by on April 1, 2021 in cupocarnatic News

The Monkey and the crocodile


#CupOCarnaticKidsSeries is an interpretation of stories with Carnatic ragams expressed through the Saraswathi Veena.  Today’s Story – 5 is about The Monkey and the Crocodile. 

Today’s story features 2 ragas:
Ragam BILAHARI (for the Monkey)This is a Janyam of Dheerashankarabaranam (29th Melakartha Ragam)
Arohanam: S R₂ G₃ P D₂ Avarohanam:Ṡ N₃ D₂ P M₁ G₃ R₂ S

Ragam RANJANI(for the Crocodile)This is a Janyam of Dharmavati (59th Melakartha Ragam)Arohanam: S R₂ G₂ M₂ D₂ Avarohanam: Ṡ N₃ D₂ M₂ G₂ S

Here is the notation for the melodies featured in the episode